Monday, 30 June 2008

Three wheels to the wind

There has been talk of the magic swally bus that somehow transports the inebriated safely home after a night or day's session. Usually it's really a lift home by a mate, a ride home in a taxi, or maybe even a staggered meander in a homeward direction - all of which are wiped from the memory banks by the time you wake up the next morning. (Assuming you do wake up and haven't been run down or expired of exposure trying to get home).

A driver in America thought he'd spare the magic swally bus the trouble and drive himself home. He'd either had a bucketful and wasn't aware, or was and didn't care, that the car he was steering, only had 3 wheels. It wasn't that his motor was a Reliant, he was driving on 3 rubber types and one metal rim.

Story here.

A Reliant Robin - a car that is meant to have 3 wheels

Photo: Flickr / Matt Seppings

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