Friday, 23 May 2008

Don't you know who I am?

A police officer found himself in a part of the court room not normally inhabited by those who wear the dark blue.

Kenneth Burnett, 44, was found guility of conducting himself in a disorderly manner, shouting, swearing and committing a breach of the peace at an Aberdeen Falkirk football match.

He only lasted 15 minutes inside the ground as he was seen to be staggering, after drinking about 8 pints of beer. He then tried to force himself onto the supporters' coach and this was where the aggro all kicked off.

He denied all the charges but the sheriff said: ""It is concerning that you have acted in this way and let yourself and the police force down. This conduct would not have occurred if you had not consumed so much alcohol."

The shamed copper will be gutted that the "That's the swally!" defence is not yet permissible in court cases.

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