1. Stop drinking
2. Moderate your drinking
3. Start drinking.
Well, it's rare that the last one comes up very often. A rarer one is "Keep drinking or you'll get depressed" but that's what a study from the University of North Carolina says. (Or at least, that's what the Daily Telegraph made of their study).
A key quote was " “In mice that voluntarily drank alcohol for 28 days, depression-like behaviour was evident 14 days after termination of alcohol drinking."
There's much to ponder over on this:
- how much were the mice drinking beforehand?
- if some are voluntarily drinking swally, are some being force-fed it?
- how do they get the psychiatrist's couch into the cage to let the mouse lie down and discuss how they're feeling?
- do they let them back on the swally to get them out of their slump?
Two mice, possibly discussing whose round it is.
Photo: flickr / Stephen Barnett
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