Thursday, 10 July 2008

Smirnoff Mice?

A great source of entertainment for those interested in the swally is to wait for the latest survey to come along telling you to:

1. Stop drinking
2. Moderate your drinking
3. Start drinking.

Well, it's rare that the last one comes up very often. A rarer one is "Keep drinking or you'll get depressed" but that's what a study from the University of North Carolina says. (Or at least, that's what the Daily Telegraph made of their study).

A key quote was " “In mice that voluntarily drank alcohol for 28 days, depression-like behaviour was evident 14 days after termination of alcohol drinking."

There's much to ponder over on this:
  • how much were the mice drinking beforehand?
  • if some are voluntarily drinking swally, are some being force-fed it?
  • how do they get the psychiatrist's couch into the cage to let the mouse lie down and discuss how they're feeling?
  • do they let them back on the swally to get them out of their slump?
This type of study only brings up more questions.

Two mice, possibly discussing whose round it is.

Photo: flickr / Stephen Barnett

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